August 31, 2022
Following a wikipedia reference, I looked at the
preview for this up at google books:
Graham Harvey, "Animism: Respecting the Living World" (2006)
"Animists are people who recognise
that the world is full of persons, A google scholar search
ony some of whom are human, and that on "animism" places
life is always lived in relationship this book in the number
with others. Animism is lived out one position, with a
in various ways that are all about citation index of 1179.
learning to act respectfully
(carefully and constructively) You might nod your head
towards and among other persons." in approval that the
wikipedia page cites it.
So you see, the virtue of animism is
that it encourages us to live our Myself, I wonder if the
lives with the same respect for the wikipedia page reference is
non-human that every human being responsible for it's
gives to each other. prominence among scholarly
citations: if it only takes
(I sometimes wonder whether these a thousand hits to place
self-styled neo-animists have much first, then editing
acquaintence with the behavior of yourself into wikipedia
actual human beings...) could now be the key to
scholarly success.
(And further, I would wonder about
the notion that every human being
*deserves* to be treated
respectfully, because I can think
of a number of exceptions.)
Ah, but it seems that Graham Harvey
is not *completely* ignorant of
human reality:
"Knowing that people, human and other-than-human,
can be decetiful and devious, and that there are
tricksters and anti-social persons in the world,
means that it is important to look out for masks,
illusions, deceptions, tricks of perception and
false claims."
Graham Harvey continues with his manifesto:
"Much of the argument of this book hinges on the
question of what a person is. ... At he heart of
the matter is the opposition between 'persons'
and 'objects'. Persons are those with whom other
persons interact with varying degrees of
reciprocity. Persons may be spoken _with_.
Objects, by contrast, are usually spoken
_about_. Persons are volitional, relational,
cultural and social beings. ... That some
persons look like objects is of little more value
to an understanding of animism than the notion
that some acts, characteristics, qualia and so on
may appear human-like to some observers. ... The
ubiquity of terms like respect and reciprocity in
animist discourse demonstrates that the key
identifier of a person is someone who responds to
or initiates approaches to other persons."
The author here is so determined
not to present the human view as
privileged in *any* way, that he's
fucking annoying to read.
Dude, you're a human being, I'm a human
being, we *care* about human viewpoints,
we can't look at things with anything
except a human viewpoint. Who do you
think you are? Relate to *this* jack.
Respectfully, of course.
Skimming for his examples: "deities, rocks, trees".
Never tools, artworks, or even the legendary Steely Dan.
"... I seek a way of speaking that would be 'good'
(in the sense of life affirming and enhancing) for
all persons, human and other-than-human."
Even Donald Trump?
It occurs to me that somone who claims to be
listening to the trees (man) is not actually in
contact with the Council of Ents but is rather
appointing themselves as spokesman.
And it's all very well to go around being life affirming
with the trees, but what's good for the trees may be bad
for the sage brush, and who are you to take sides?
And what if trees don't *like* you to think of them as
humans? An insulting comparison, if you ask me.
At long last, a single example involving the spirit of human creations:
"Harry Garuba .. says that an episode in Gabriel García
Márquez's _One Hundred Years of Solitude_ provides
'perhaps the simplest and most effective statement of
the core idea of animist belief'. This is the moment
when the gypsy artist Melquiades drags two metal ingots
from house to house, attracting all kinds of metallic
objects to follow him. '"Things have a life of their
own," they gypsy proclaimed with a harsh accent. "It's
simply a matter of waking up their souls".' "
So, maybe if only we had more woke sprocket wrenches around,
the animists would relate to them better.