May 14, 2012
"The Death of Hipsterism"
May 26, 2011, on the
"Rebel Frequencies" blog. (rebel fucking frequencies?
Talk about D.O.A.)
At the opening of this
peculiarly self-satiric And no, I'm
article, our hero is not name Unlike
lamenting no longer being dropping a *some*
able to find anything he band name. people.
cares about in "Urban
Outfitters", and pondering
how this means that the
"phenomenon of the hipster" You don't think I'm
is dead. kidding, do you?
Please do check that
Clearly, this man
has a different
notion of "hip" DEATH_OF_HIP
in mind than I do,
I submit that hip
really died the
moment he got there.
"Just to be clear, I've never
been comfortable with the glib
hipster-bashing that plenty of
folks from other sub-cultures
have all-too-gleefully engaged Neo-hipster bashing
in over the past several was a fad? Damn, I've
years. To me it seemed to smack missed the trend-wave
of the kind of elitism that again.
hipsters themselves were
supposedly guilty of."
He quotes a "Ben Davis, co-editor of ARTINFO":
"At any rate, if you are actually
concerned with gentrification and
social class, you might start by These sound like fine
advocating for public housing, jobs things to do, but none
programs, or anti-racist initiatives--" of them would've stopped
The Mission from being
overwhelmed by yuppies
" ... not ridiculing girls with calling themselves
bangs or guys wearing tight hipsters.
pants. That is counterproductive,
particularly if... your whole point Any additional public
is that an obsession with signs of housing in San Francisco
cultural distinction insulates would not be anywhere
hipsters from real-world concerns." near The Mission...
This finger-pointing about
finger-pointing is lots of
fun, but is that really the
whole of anyone's point?
"Hipsterism, at least in its earliest days (the days
before it was labeled 'hipsterism') was in essence an
ironic jab against the myth of the American Dream,
albeit wrapped a kind of post-modern cynicism."
Got that?
"The whole aesthetic was based off
a host of stereotypes of different
social groups-- particularly the
white working class. [...]
The trucker hats and sunglasses,
the v-necks and porn-staches."
I'm glad someone
those mustaches.