September 14, 2012
January 1, 2013
When I was a young teenager, and
I was as yet uncommitted in the
grand nuclear power debate (A rather one-sided debate, really,
one voice I thought interesting where the "pro" side was always
was Paul MacIssac, who was doing dismissed without a hearing),
a talk radio show on WBAI.
Paul MacIssac argued that even
if you could get a major power Paul MacIssac had a perfectly
source like fusion energy brilliant microphone style: every
working safely, it'd still be a thing he said was enunciated as
bad idea, because human beings though it were a fascinating secret
were unable to use that kind of that he was revealing to you, his
power wisely and responsibly. close circle of friends.
Power corrupts and nuclear The anti-nuclear activists have
power corrupts absolutely always been lacking in some
respects, but no one beats them
The anti-promethian position. on earnest, sincere conviction.