July 30 - October 9, 2018
"Of all plots and actions the epeisodic are the ARISTOTLE_POETICS
worst. I call a plot 'epeisodic' in which the
episodes or acts succeed one another without We would call this
probable or necessary sequence. Bad poets "episodic", but
compose such pieces by their own fault, good Butcher didn't spell
poets, to please the players; for, as they write it that way back
show pieces for competition, they stretch the in 1911.
plot beyond its capacity, and are often forced
to break the natural continuity." Like, [sic], man.
Here Aristotle complains about pieces that
are just vehicles for the actors to show off.
I emphasise this obvious point, because it's
not always entirely clear *who* Aristotle
thinks the tragedy should impress. It should
please the audience and not the players?
But in some places he complains about things
that *do* please the audience (spectacular The now familar duel
effects) but disapproves of them from the between critical and
point of view of an educated, refined taste. popular opinion.
And the fans of the stars are often
glad to see them do their thing, even if (Presuming Ancient
the overall dramatic effect is weak. Greece tragedy fan base
was something like the
modern ones.)