From Section IX:
"... it is not the function of the poet to relate what
has happened, but what may happen, -- what is possible
according to the law of probability or necessity The poet
and the historian differ not by writing in verse or in
prose. The work of Herodotus might be put into verse, and
it would still be a species of history, with metre no
less than without it. The true difference is that one
relates what has happened, the other what may
happen. Poetry, therefore, is a more philosophical and a
higher thing than history: for poetry tends to express
the universal, history the particular."
Or, breaking that down into in smaller bits:
"... it is not the function of the poet to relate
what has happened, but what may happen"
"what is possible according to the law of
probability or necessity"
"The poet and the historian differ not by
writing in verse or in prose."
"Poetry, therefore, is a more philosophical and a Fiction may be
higher thing than history: for poetry tends to "higher", but
express the universal, history the particular." history is more
primal, more