July 30 - October 9, 2018
From Section XXIII:
"...the plot manifestly ought, as in a
tragedy, to be constructed on dramatic
principles. It should have for its
subject a single action, whole and
complete, with a beginning, a middle,
and an end. It will thus resemble a Being a bounded line-segment
living organism in all its unity, and on a time-line is indeed a
produce the pleasure proper to it." characteristic of us living
organisms, but it doesn't seem
"It will differ in structure from like the one key thing.
historical compositions, which of
necessity present not a single action, And I know we like to
but a single period, and all that talk about organic
happened within that period to one wholes and all, but
person or to many, little connected really we're a cluster
together as the events may be." of quasi-symbiotic
organisms that have
But okay, selectivity evolved into an uneasy
and unity, got it. truce-- and then
there's the stuff going
on in our bodies but
outside of our skulls;
and the portions of our
identity with
underpinnings in
contact with other
Us organic wholes
have holes.