May 24-31, 2013
June 3, 2013
How do you form something like
an arts community that stays one?
Here's a scheme:
Given a substantial (but not overwhelming)
amount of funding (preferably, donations You might look at this
rather than investments) start an enclave in as a real estate
an urban area that can not be bought out or investment scheme:
subverted, a place that develops the come up with enough
character everyone seems to love about money to buy into
artistic neighborhoods, without immediately a depressed neighborhood,
losing it's character to new-comers drawn to then attract some
the flame and snuffing it out. activity guaranteed
to raise it's value.
Where it gets interesting is You create a central core
deciding what process is going with the intent of holding
to be used to decide who is it, and profit off
allowed in once the community gentrification in the
is successful. surrounding region.
The institution of rent control One model you might use
is reasonably effective at is "art school".
preserving the character of a Universities typically
neighborhood for a time, but constrain their management
only for a time. The bohemian from bleeding the endowment
element of San Francisco is to deal with any immediate
increasingly gray-haired these operating costs.
days, and clearly fading by A university can't just
attrition. To find a younger sell off a dormitory as
element you need to look an apartment building to
further out on the edges. raise funds.
Consider that an ethnic They are, however,
enclave like a Chinatown is amazingly clever at
using that ethnicity as a sleazing around these
gate-keeping filter. And restrictions. Stanford
one might complain with some boots it's undergrads
justice about the poor off campus every summer
economic conditions of so it can rent itself
someone who lives and works out for "summer camp"
in a chinatown, but those activity. It also
poor conditions in *leases* a corner of
themselves act as a filter, it's property to a
encouraging settlement by shopping mall...
recent immigrants.
USF recently sold
In comparison, an "artistic the license for it's
community" is by definition college radio station,
founded on a much more ellusive KUSF. It's not like
quality. If being an artist is it sold a building or
required for admission, becoming something, right?
a Jackson Pollack imitator might Just a government license
easily become a common strategy. intended to allow
universities access
to the airwaves.
Other issues: the scenario
I've laid out involves
colonizing an existing
neighborhood of some sort--
doing this without causing
pain by displacing the The 70s and 80s boho crowd had
existing residents may it relatively easy, with nearly
be difficult. abandoned "industrial"
districts and such.
The alternate approach
of starting a "green The dead shopping malls of
field" development of suburbia might turn out
in a more unihabited to be interesting targets.
region has even bigger
problems. ("Higashi no Eden"?)