
I have doubts about the                  I am not a "vitalist", however.
feasibility of artificial                All living things are indeed
intelligence.                            physical objects, and the soul
                                         is just a particularly complex

I do not beleive that
human capability
always expands to the
limits of the
physically possible.

Humanity at least *may* have
fundamental limitations that
prevent it from transforming
itself into something that
can make anything that can
be made.

Perhaps we're too stupid to make
something as smart as we are.

    Biological mechanisms can
    not be taken as existance
    proofs of technological

There are some possible end runs
around this block (if it exists):

      Perhaps instead of
      writing an intelligent
      algorithm, it could be                (This doesn't impress me.
      simpler to write a program             I'd say that intelligence
      that learns to be smarter.             *is* the capability to learn.)

      Perhaps an intelligent
      algorithm could be
      generated by trial and                (Sounds like it'd take
      error in some                          a while, no?)
      simulated analog of
      natural evolution.

      Perhaps natural intelligence
      can be boosted by artificial
      means, without first
      understanding how                          *Really* "Smart" drugs?
      intelligence works.
                                                 Translation of humanity
                                                 into faster running
Side issue:
What about the _ethics_ of all
this?  If you can get anywhere
close to artificial intelligence,
then by definition you're going
to be experimenting on the artifical
equivalent of human beings.  What do
you do with your failed experiments?
Don't they have rights?
