January 13, 2006
Is it possible to use
exclamation points without
seeming naively earnest?
A case in point from
the Bocris/Bayley DIONYSIAN_SOAP
Patti Smith bio:
"Her take on the New York poetry
scene was so negative that to
overcome her paranoia, she (Some pretty dubious mind-reading
fixated in her mind the image here... though Victor Bockris
of the nineteenth-century at least knew Patti Smith in the
French poet Arthur Rimbaud, early 70s... his 1972 interview
who, when he was displeased by is presented in an appendix as
another poet's reading, would her first interview, and there's
climb on the table from which a photo of him sitting next to her
the offender was reading and after they'd done a poetry reading.)
urinate on his manuscript!"
I don't like the sentence
much, but I *hate* that This is a book that
exclamation point. can't make up it's
mind if it's Objective
Journalism, or the
Gonzo variety, and
that's a problem of
many a Rock Bio.
"Please Kill Me"
does a nice end But even worse, "No One Here Gets
run around the Out Alive", a Jim Morrison bio.
problem: it's all The author refers to him as "Jim",
quotations. and pretends to know everything
There's no need about what he was thinking.
to choose a narrative
voice. Absolutely nauseating.
The disease of the rock biography,
an omniscient narrator that speaks
in the third person, but on a first
name basis.