April 6, 2006
On the plane to Bali, I read:
Cecilia Holland - "The Angel and the Sword" (2000)
Based on the legend of
"Roderick the Beardless":
A princess must go on the run from
her wicked stepfather, she disguises
herself as a man and becomes known as
a warrior knight, defending
Paris from Viking attack.
Throughout she appears to have
the assistance of some spirit, In one scene, someone walks
a magical entity that can only into a church and finds her
barely be percieved: an alone, bent in prayer, and he
"angel", though it's not called can see the outline a this
that until the novel's close. giant entity surrounding her,
projecting an air of proud,
That's probably crucial martial defiance.
for the effect of the
novel: the fantastic A small detail
element is handled with that works much
a very light touch. better than you
would think.
This is something like a
"young adult" fantasy novel
except it uses a much more This is a lot like
authentic historical setting that book "Mooned Woman"
than is usual. (or whatver it was),
except that it isn't a
And this is one of my piece of junk.
standard criticisms
of genre fantasy: why
use an invented pseudo-
historical setting,
when you could use a
real one?
(A rhetorical question.
The answer is that you
need to know something
to write historical