November 11, 2016
There's one way you can salvage the
theory that Trump is Obama's fault: Though actually: what
about just in the "rust
You can say that Obama did a mediocre job belt"? Obama was
of repairing the damage Bush Jr did to pro-TPP and Hillary
the nation, and because of that the waffled on it: could it
economically disgruntled were ripe for be that's how they lost
Change and went Trump. Michigan, Pennsylvania
and Wisconsin? I'd
But exit polls show Trumpsters were higher believe it, but I'd want
on the economic scale, and they also show to see some opinion
Trump voters were very white. polls on that.
So: it looks more like (Though of course, that
racism than economics. presumes we can believe
those opinion polls...)
I'm long past the delusion
that I can intuit what
my fellow American's
think about anything:
they continually surprise