March 12, 2012
May 3, 2013
The same principle recurs in
various forms: FIXED_NATURE
The larger a candidate's campaign
posters, and the higher up they're
posted, the worse the candidate.
The cheaper the flyer, the better
the event -- large, slick rave
flyers have always been a tip-off
of a completely soulless, clueless ALPHAVILLE
The intelligent consumer would
think twice about going with a
familiar brand: brands get Advertising budgets
familiar though advertising and don't correlate with Planned
that has to get paid for actual quality very obsolescence
somehow... well, if at all. plus heavy
is a common
But very few can shake the idea
that bigger the better.
For the other-directed,
the big have been annointed
by the others.
Side-issues: despite Google's anti-evil
policy, it has a number of effects that But then, I
seem pernicious, however unintended. complain about
One of them is that Google gets people the opposite
used to having a big that isn't evil. phenomena also:
A problem with
Gates and Jobs that
they convince
people that being
nasty is a winning
(Though in Jobs
case, he kept it
reasonably hidden
from the outside