January 20, 2022
David Auerbach, "Bitwise: A Life in Code" (2018), p. 242-243:
"As a child, I had been drawn to computers because they were
free of society's tortuous value systems. Ironically, I now
live in a world where computers are the thoughtless arbiters of
those very same value systems. They have come to speak our
languages like idiots, replicating their stigmas and biases."
Auerbach goes on to declare that this
is a disease of "inexact ontologies"...
This is essentially the central theme of
But he also comments: "Bitwise", he returns to it repeatedly:
systems of categorization are inevitably
"... one doe not eliminate flawed, and systems of categorizing human
bias from an ontology-- beings are always problematic.
one only copes with it"
"How?" would seem
to be the question.