February 19, 2012

   One of the puzzles I have
   about Stewart Brand is his
   enthusiasm for the at best       EDGE_CITY
   problematic book "Edge
   City" by Joel Garreau.

   As an aside at a Long Now
   event, he mentioned in
   passing that he regarded         Emeryville is directly
   Emeryville -- the home of        across the bay bridge
   his Global Business Network      from San Francisco,
   offices -- as an Edge City.      north of Oakland.

                                    It really is on the
                                    edges of the more
                                    traditional cities
                                    in the area... but     There are some
                                    it's a poor fit for    more hints in
                                    Garreau's "Edge        the video
                                    City" concept, in      series made
                                    my opinion -- for      to tie-in with
                                    one thing people       this book:
                                    actually live
                                    there.  But then       BEEB_LEARNS
                                    maybe everywhere is
                                    a poor fit for         Garreau talks
                                    Garreau's ideas...     about things
                                                           like "the iron
                                                           law of edge
   There aren't too many                                   city is that
   clues in "How Buildings                                 the bosses
   Learn" about what Brand                                 commute is
   thinks is so great about                                shortest":
   Garreau.                                                so now Edge
                                                           City includes
                                                           the McMansions
                                                           that go with
   There is some stuff on p. 62                            the office
   about how developers are more                           complexes.
   influential than architects.    But then, the
                                   Bay Guardian            This contradicts
   There's some vapid              could've told           the things he said
   stuff about building            you that...             in the original
   for markets is less                                     book: I think he
   destructive than                                        just quietly
   totalitarian power.                                     slinks away from
                                                           things he's said
                                                           before whenever
                                                           they seem
   This is:

   (a) damning with faint praise.

   (b) ignoring the fact that
   developers are expert at hi-jacking
   the government approvals process.

         The idea that there's some
         choice between free market
         and government in play is
         transparently false.
