"Going down that long, lonsome highway... (Aug 2021)
Gonna, live life my way..." This show is a relatively
early example of the
A very sixties TV show: like a "slice of life" style,
more loosely structured version where often nothing much
of _The Fugitive_, in which happens, but that's okay.
Michael Parks plays a dropout, a
drifter, who rides across the
country on his motorcycle. A For a James Dean clone,
repeated theme: people react he was pretty cool.
weirdly to him because he's on a Sometimes he was the
motorcycle (Hell's Angels avatar of cool.
fantasies), but he's actually
very soft-spoken, very polite. Something like Mickey
Rourke, I guess.
Anyway, I thought it was great back then.
I figured I couldn't carry enough books
on a motorcycle, though, so I tired to (A very 70s notion, that.)
figure out how I could squeeze my life
into a van. Never did quite make it.
Though I live in a room
not much bigger than a van.