February 15, 2010
August 12, 2011
May 11, 2022
A quote, from Charles S Peirce, "How to Make our Ideas Clear" (1897):
"To know what we think, to be masters of our own
meaning, will make a solid foundation for great
and weighty thought. It is most easily learned by
those whose ideas are meagre and restricted; and
far happier they than such as wallow helplessly
in a rich mud of conceptions. A nation, it is
true, may, in the course of generations, overcome
the disadvantage of an excessive wealth of
language and its natural concomitant, a vast,
unfathomable deep of ideas. We may see it in
history, slowly perfecting its literary forms,
sloughing at length its metaphysics, and, by
virtue of the untirable patience which is often a
compensation, attaining great excellence in every
branch of mental acquirement. The page of history
is not yet unrolled that is to tell us whether Is he talking
such a people will or will not in the long run about English
prevail over one whose ideas (like the words of speakers?
their language) are few, but which possesses a English is a
wonderful mastery over those which it has. For an pack rat of
individual, however, there can be no question a language,
that a few clear ideas are worth more than many it shows few
confused ones." signs of
And if anything,
the scientific
era has threatened
to drown us in
Somewhere in there may be waves of specialized
a sensible recognition of jargon.
the limitations of human
intellect... And English compared
UNINTENDED to what? Is he
comparing it to
But it sounds much like a man French or German?
chasing mathematical elegance in
fields where it isn't relevant... Maybe the idea
is that Latin
THE_PERL_AFFAIR is Babel-17.
"For an individual, however,
there can be no question Peirce clearly (Apr 2022)
that a few clear ideas are never met a Perhaps by
worth more than many Randroid. "worth" he's
confused ones." talking about
Or the what makes
equivalent. you feel
happy, rather
(Apr 2022) than what's
On second though, the passage quoted likely to get
above strikes strikes me as Peirce doing you closer to
some very creative thinking-- he's truth?
willing to concede that the diverse
cacophany of opinion in the public realm
may be a fundamental, useful feature of It's an interesting
democratic society, but suggests that additional complication
the analogous condition inside of your that the passage is also
head would be very bad. shot through with the
assumption that there's
Having warring factions inside your some correspondence between
own head is admittedly not terribly words and ideas.
Peirce is ever and always
On the other hand, I'm not inclined to going in too many directions
celebrate monomania. "A few clear ideas" at once.
would be great, provided they were also
correct ideas. (Which can be a problem
when you're after a few
clear ideas.)