September 29, 2013
In my standard outfit,
I have many pockets...
In my non-standard outfits,
this is often not the case:
The solution I gravitated towards over the
years was to wear an under-the-armpit I found one of these
shoulder holster with a few pockets in it. in a fire remnant
store in Pocatello
Idaho circa 1982...
More recently, I purchased an I have it still, but
expensive but well-made variation it's getting rather
of this from "Five and Diamond": worn after many a
dark maroon and black with trip to burning man
steampunk highlights. and such.
(I worry a little
For one of my Halloween costumes about wearing this
(Anubis) I tended to use a black sheet in public-- the last
as a toga, which didn't go well with thing I need is a
the shoulder holsters. cop thinking I've
got a gun under my
I took an old pair of combat pants arm.)
and hacked away everything but the
waist band, and the pockets on one
side of the leg, leaving a piece of
pants leg to keep them from banging
around: my black toga would hang A long-standing idea with me
down and hide it: it provided is to make something like
a lot of cargo space in an outfit this out of leather (or the
that at a glance looked like it had equivalent).
The typical "waist belt" is
ridiculous: a bulging tumor
on your side that doesn't
actually carry all that much.
During set-up at Burning Man,
I was wearing this exposed in Why not a western gun belt
plain sight, just to have style that hangs flat against
something that would let me the side of your leg, with
carry a few tools without a strap along the inside to
overheating while I was hold it down?
Every now and then
It was surprisingly popular, some place like Five
despite what I would've thought and Diamond will
was a pretty ridiculous appearence: come up with
shaggy, cutoff edges, a faded something *like*
beat-up black fabric... what I have in
mind, without quite
getting there.