June 22-27, 2007
The Plat_Forms contest!
Someone is actually
trying to get real data!
Unlike my scenario (using
undergraduate volunteers
in a university setting),
they're working with
small teams of volunteers This selects for people who
in a marathon-contest setting. think they're good. These are
not "average" programmers.
The teams volunteer as teams,
so presumably inter-personal
dynamics have been worked out
already before the coding
I love these guys. They sound like
they've got some funny biases --
they're corporate-weenie java-lovers Problems:
at heart -- but they're actually
working out ways to get *something* It's not such
like scientific data comparing a mystery that
different "languages" (really, WDSL support in
"worlds"/"cultures") of software perl is weak,
development. the mystery is
why anyone
The actual notable thing bothers with it.
about these results (to me)
is that they're all so They've chosen an
similar. easy, high-level
way of detecting If you knew in
Three decent programmers possible SQL advance how the
who are familar with their injection test was going
tools can put up a social- vulnerabilities, to be graded,
network site in a few but it yields you'd fix the
weeks of work. false-readings. software to get
it to act that
These results might help way.
you choose one or the
other language, but they
get awfully close to proving
that "languages don't matter".
A limitation:
By design, they're working
on a problem in a well-
developed, mature field.
If you were trying to do
something new, would there
be clearer advantages?
Also, the "30 hour marathon"
is a little artificial. But
some software start-up jobs Does it provide an
are like that, at least. edge for youth over