October 18, 2019
An odd (even for me) thought I had
The mathematical purist frequently objects
to the way most computer languages use a "=" Some languages got
for the assignment operation: stuck with an alternate
to make mathists feel
$this = $that; better: ":=" or "<-"...
After this is run,
the value of $this
has been changed to
the value of $that.
The math version of '=' is used to express
some sort of absolute, eternal truth: this An equality check
is the same as that, now and forever. (typically "==")
is *similar* to
Doesn't that sound kind of funny? the mathematically
You don't often find one of these "=", though hardly
eternal truths out in the wild. identical.
An expression like this
The odd thought: *might* evaluate to
true *at the moment*,
What would happen if you tried but it also might be
to rebuild math around the false:
assignment operation, bringing
it in-line with the way our The resolution ($this == $that)
computer languages work, rather of Russell's
than trying to come up with paradox would
computer languages that are then be that
more like math? it's a condition
that oscillates:
This one doesn't sound like The set of all things not contained by
an easy thought to pursue, a set keeps flipping inside and outside
and I'm not likely to get of itself, much in the same way that
right on it any day soon.... when we examine such paradoxes we step
through the condition verbally...
I think there's a funny If you don't insist on one eternally
similarity with Wildberger's correct answer to every question,
insistance on re-focusing perhaps you could design a form of math
math on numbers that are that could confront such things without
actually computable: going in to brain lock with smoke
pouring out of it's ears.