October 9, 2007

One of the remarkable things about
Chomsky is that he's inspired a lot
of hatred among the right, but the
only smears they've been able to
come up with are rather minor, and      One of the
fall apart rather quickly given any     funniest I've
attention whatsoever.                   stumbled across:

  Chomsky likes Pol Pot!                   "Chomsky is
                                            emotionally     Evidence: he
    Well no: he argued that comparable      cold!"          doesn't get
    crimes among US allies have been                        rock n' roll!
    ignored.  And early on, I think he      But then, if
    argued Pol Pot's atrocities were        he wasn't
    exaggerated (how anyone was             "cold" they'd
    supposed to know otherwise back         call him         (And if you'd
    then isn't clear).                      "shrill",        like to see
                                            and accuse       Chomsky being
       There don't appear to be             him of           warm, try reading
       any Chomsky quotes from              ranting.         him writing in
       any period of time where                              praise of
       Chomsky expressed sympathy                            Bertrand
       for the Khmer Rogue.                                  Russell.)

           If there were, the right
           would presumably have
           turned them up by now.

  Chomsky likes
  Faurisson!          (He likes who?
                      Like I was saying:
     Well no, he      these are really
     defended         small beans.)
     right to                                                 (Apr 2, 2013)
     free speech,
     despite not                           I see that Delong claims that
     agreeing with                         Chomsky *also* defended Faurisson
     him.              That's called       as a moderate, which is perhaps
                       "integrity",        a case where Chomsky nods.
                       you know?

  Still another:
                                               (Mar 27/Sep 02, 2013)
  Chomsky was wrong
  about the Kosovo War.      I have to confess I don't
                             really know what Chomsky
                             was saying around then.
                             And I still don't think I    I'll get back to you
                             understand the Kosovo War.   when I understand the
                                                          Balkans.  Maybe next

                             But if Chomsky is anathema
                             for reading Kosovo wrong,
                             can we also fire everyone
                             who got Iraq wrong?

                             That would be a good trade.

Now, consider how *long* Chomsky has
been politically active, and think
about the various unfortunate
obsessions the left has been afflicted
with over the years.

   Was Chomsky an apologist
   for Stalin or Mao?

   Did Chomsky call for violent
   revolution during the
   Vietnam war era?

   Did Chomsky become obsessed
   with impenetrable, ungrounded
   post-modern critical theory?

     The answer to all is "no".

     For a "radical extremist"
     Chomsky has been very         Which is not to say Chomsky has
     consistently level-headed.    never said anything stupid... I
                                   got a bad impression of him from
                                   a sound byte in defense of Bill
                                   Clinton (from memory):

                                       "All business is corrupt,
                                        and by the standards of
                                        business the corruption
                                        involved in Whitewater
                                        is quite small."

                                   This struck me as an offensively stupid
                                   characterization of business.  In what
                                   sense, for example, could Apple Computer
                                   be declared "corrupt"?

                                   It also struck me as
                                   an absurd mischaracter-      Of course,
                                   ization of the events        that was
                                   surrounding Whitewater,      back before
                                   which included a money       Uncle Stevie
                                   laundering scheme where      played games
                                   Hillary pretended to be      with back-
                                   prescient about cattle       dating stock
                                   futures.                     options.

                                                                And there *is*
                                                                the tale about
                                                                him ripping
                                                                off the Woz
                                                                for several
                                                                hundred in the
                                                                early days.

                                                            Still, none of
                                                            those blemishes
                                                            are up at the
                                                            level of the
                                                            Clintons at play
                                                            in Arkansas.

   The facts Chomsky
   raises never seem
   to be challenged.

   Neither are his
   main political

     o We should be cognizant
       of the failings of our             Does Chomsky neglect
       own country.                       to ever focus on the
                                          positive aspects?
     o "Consistent foreign
       policy" is more important             Perhaps, but why should he?
       than Realpolitik.                     Jingos are common, critics
                                             rare... why shouldn't he
                                             focus on criticism?

                                             To me, this just means that
                                             Chomsky is not the only
                                             voice you should hear.

        (June 9, 2009)                              Certainly, rigorous
                                                    critical thinking doesn't
        A possible critique of Chomsky:             exhaust the spectrum.

        He doesn't get that the idea of
        America can still be inspiring, even
        if the actuality has consistently

        The vision thing, you know?
