February 14, 2010
Resolved: we shall not speak of "Class War":
Reason the first: it's stale,
and carries with it too much And just because Free
rhetorical baggage, a reek of ANARCHY Markets have fallen on
discredited ideologies. hard times, it does not
follow that Marx Was
Reason the second: We don't
actually want there to be a MARXIST_REVIVAL
"Class War". Predicting class
war may be a self-fufilling
prohecy. You might say it's
"unnecessarily divisive".
If you actually want
to *win* a war, it's
Third I suspect that it's far better to have
not actually accurate. the rich on your side
Do "the rich" really And are "the than against you.
consititute a "class"? rich" really
the enemy?
Doesn't that conflate old The way you sell
money with new? Certainly them on this is to
some of the richest are point out that
parvenus (Google, Apple, they've got more
Facebook...). Bill Gates cash then they can
came from imagine uses for,
wealth, but and tell them
he's not they're in danger
exactly "old of losing their
money" soul if they don't
ease up.
If power has been seized
by a group of people,
the first thing to do is SERPENTINE_KISS
establish who is in that HANDS
group, study the nature (And you can always
of that group -- it's threaten them with
not a good idea to just the guillotine later.)
adopt an empty label
that presumes that you And there are
already know all that. often more
direct arguments:
Isn't it likely that there you'd be even
are factions inside that richer if it
set, differences among the weren't for the
rich and powerful? Bush league.
Knowing something about
those factions would
seem to be a good idea, no?
One might even try
playing the factions
against each other.