April 15, 2013

Conceptroid: the new start-up
for trend-synthesis software.
Generate the new cults, fads,
and conspiracies necessary for
success in today's social world.

                            Bootstrap bupkes epistemectomy, daddy-o.

                            Doesn't make sense?  It *will*.

                We need new cliches
                for the modern world:

                soaking the particle board

                smell the plasticizers

                sucking the inner tube

                                             Trolling the gaps in
                                             misaligned dichotomies.

    Epistemex:                               Postmodern nostalgia,
    the social knowledge base                pines for the
                                             metaphysical SPORK
    Maximize the ordinal reach of
    *your* coordination matrix for
    the Baconian Revolution
                                                          Bumper-car pianos.
                                                          It must be done.

            Rebase your identity
            Branch merge your destiny.

                                        Dance across the chessboard;
                                        Collaborate with chaos.
