August 4, 2008
There are people who are Conscious
(or who say they are), meaning that
they are:
ecologically conscious
socially conscious Consider this a loose synonym
spiritually conscious for "politically correct" if
you like, but that doesn't
capture the "spiritual" angle,
The claim here is that there the interest in non-western
is an elite, a class (to use religions and new age beliefs.
words they would reject) of
people who are Conscious, as
opposed to the unthinking
mass of sleepwalkers.
In this taxonomy, the sleepwalkers
*think* that they're in touch with
reality, but they live a small bore
existence of simple greeds and lusts;
and they often seem to be no good to
themselves, let alone to anyone else. Think "Gangsta Rap"
vs. "Conscious Rap".
The Conscious are presumed to
live a wider ranging existence, PAN_DOMESTICATED
in touch with beauty and spirit,
a greater sense of ethics, a
desire to do good in the world.
It would not be difficult
to make fun of this notion,
particularly if you look at Needless to say, no one
some of the people who talks about being
claim to be Conscious: Conscious unless they
there's many a pretentious regard themselves as a
new age twit with a weak member of the club.
grasp of reality who'll
shaft you in an instant if (Except for
it's necessary for their Most ethical me of course.)
"spiritual development". rules come
down to some (Well, okay,
If you attend from of "the not really.)
a Conscious golden rule",
event you may which means
find a number that they
of palm readers rely on an
and astrologers individual's
hanging around: acceptance If you're convinced
a mind so open that they are of your own
that it welcomes in some sense cosmic significance
anything is not ordinary. it follows that
quite Conscious. these rules don't
apply to you.
There's a similar
problem among the
converse category: those
convinced that they lack
significance, and
further that everyone
lacks significance.
Any "golden" ethics
then seems like nonsense.
Why worry about a bunch
scum like myself?
He who gets away with
breaking the most rules
I'd like to take the
more difficult side:
"the conscious vs. the
sleepwalkers" makes
sense on some level;
even if it's difficult
to impossible to
reliably categorize
human beings as one or
the other.
I do tend to go on rants
about "sleepwalkers" and
so on are pretty common As is typical with
throughout these pages. me, I prefer the
negative form.