The long red couch in question has
a long history with me, a long
chain of associations.  When we
were first setting up the group
house I'm in, I spotted a nifty              LUCK
couche at Thrift Mart, on sale for
$20: a grotesque orange and green
floral pattern, with a high back
and wooden trim.  Oddly enough, one
of my housemates didn't appreciate
the idea, and couldn't believe I
didn't want another couch that was
there: low, red, fifitiesish, and
to my eye terribly boring.  It's
only advantage was that it was very
long.  We wound up playing
Roe-sham-bo to settle it, and I
lost.                                          One of the first of many
                                               house decisions I lost.

Over time, I got it moved from the
living room to the front porch (it's
so long it tends to dominate any
living room arrangements).  Though
more recently I've unsuccesfully
argued for moving it back in in              The joys of group living.
favor of the ugly shapless blue couch
we have now.

I suppose I could talk about things that've happened
on the couch, but this is clearly too long already.      (see the EARLY
