October 21, 2021
An old idea of mine:
"Though on the other hand, to
become involved with anything
remotely intellectual in this This version was a line
country there's got to be posted to the su.etc
something that prevents you group, but quoted here:
from being 'normal'. Happy,
healthy, socially adept people LIBERTY
become jocks and insurance
salesmen." This insight (if I can call
it that) dates back at least
This is an idea that very much as far as 1980. I wrote an
reflects the world I grew up in, extended essay on this in the
1970s Long Island. Now that log book of the Stony Brook
we're well into the "Revenge of Science Fiction Forum.
the Nerds" era (not to mention
"The Fratboys Strike Back") the I was trying to make the
anti-intellectualism of that era point that while it's always
has faded away considerably. been an idea popular among
science fiction fans that
Further, it probably seems a lot there was something about us
less original than it did in it's that made us superior to the
time-- computer geniuses with more common run of humanity
than a touch of Aspberger's ("slans"), you could just as
Syndrome have become a cliche. easily argue that every one
of us was damaged in some
way. Yes, we were "more
FUSED_CORE intelligent", but did that
come first, or was it
something we developed later
in our isolation?
A defensive strategy...
It seemed to me that it was
striking how often you'd see
people at SF conventions on
This thesis was even less
well-recieved than I
My knack for crowd-pleasing
is often commented on.