December 3, 2019

An issue of "Weird Tales" from 1937 contains a poem
by Robert E. Howard published posthumously with the
title "Fragment".

I could swear this is autobiographical:

   And so his boyhood wandered into youth
   And still the hazes thickened round his head,
   And red, lascivious nightmares shared his bed
   And fantasies with greedy claw and tooth
   Burrowed into the secret parts of him--  ...

   Deeper and deeper in a twisting maze
   Of monstrous shadows, shot with read and black,
   Or gray as dull decay and rainy days,
   He stumbled onward.    ...

   Rank, shambling devils chased him night on night,
   And caught and bore him to a flaming hall,
   Where lambent in the flaring crimson light
   A thousand long-tongued faces lined the wall.
   And there they flung him, naked and a-sprawl
   Before a great dark woman's ebon throne.
   How dark, inhuman, strange, her deep eyes shone!
