December 29, 2009

There seem to be periodic flare-ups of
interest in Russel Jacoby's "The Last
Intellectuals"...                                 LAST_INTELLECTUALS

A collection of paraphrases and quotes:

     Russel Jacoby:

     The public intellectual
     was replaced by mediocre,     Scott McLemee says
     insular, academics.           that the "tenuring of
                                   radicals gave them a
                                   power base to subvert


                                         The academy isolated
                                         and neutralized the
                                         radicals (presuming
                                         they *are* radicals).

     Scott McLemee (2007, Bookforum):

     Argues that the 50s was an
     odd time when it became
     possible to be a professional
     public intellectual, but that
     the seeds of the problem
     Jacoby noted were already
     being complained about by
     the likes of Irving Howe.

                    Irving Howe, "The Age of Conformity" (1954)
                    _Partisian Review_ (quotes by McLemee):

                    "The preposterous academic
                    requirement that professors write
                    books they don't want to write and
                    no one wants to read, makes for a
                    vast flood of books that have little
                    to do with literature, criticism, or
                    even scholarship."

                    "Bohemia gradually disappears as a
                    setting for our intellectual life,
                    and what remains of it seems
                    willed or fake. Looking upon the
                    prosperous ruins of Greenwich Village,
                    one sometimes feels that a full-time
                    bohemian career has become as arduous, if
                    not as expensive, as acquiring a Ph.D."

                    "The institutional world needs
                    intellectuals because they
                    are intellectuals, but it does not
                    want them as intellectuals."

     Siva Vaidhyanathan (2008):
     Academics *do* often function
     as public intellectuals, on
     the op-ed pages, and in the
     books advertised in "The New
     York Review of Books".

                Richard Posner:
                Academic intellectuals
                are insulated from market
                forces, and hence are          Are the editors
                likely to do poor work as      who publish them
                public intellectuals.          also insulated?

                Don't trust experts                 If academic tenure is
                beyond their expertise.             such a problem, how about
                                                    judicial independence?
  One of Posner's        Jacoby (2002):
  examples of poor                                           Would the supreme
  work is one of         Posner's argument argues            court do a better
  my examples of         against accepting it                job if they had to
  the good: "The         from Posner.                        worry about votes
  Mis-measure of                                             of no confidence?
  Man" by Stephen           Posner himself admits
  Gould.                    the problem:

Which unqualified           "the arrows I shoot may
commentator are             curve in flight and hit
you going to                the archer"
believe, him or me?


Menand (as quoted by "eb", 2005 in
blog commentary that's disappeared):

  "But suppose that history in its
  cunning reversed the processes
  by which, as Jacoby describes
  it, younger intellectuals on the
  left have been silenced, or
  entangled by the academic
  octopus. What would those               Jacoby does not concede
  intellectuals contribute to the         that he is only interested
  public debate? Jacoby does not          in the ideas of the left,
  consider the question one would         so he can not frame the
  have thought came before all            question this way.
  other questions: whether the
  ideas of the left have faded               Has the public
  from the intellectual scene not            intellectual
  because of some failure in the             baton been passed
  environment, but because of some           to the right?
  failure in the ideas."

Bruce Robbins ("Intellectuals in Decline?" SocialText):

  He lists several works contemporary
  with Jacoby's that also discussed
  a death of intellectualism.
  "I deduce two things from all this
  declining and falling.  First,
  that since it is produced by
  intellectuals, intellectuals are
  manifestly taking a certain
  pleasure in announcing their own
  imminent or recent demise ... "

  "... this funeral rhetoric is not
  a matter of specific historical           The phrase
  reality at all, but of a common           "specific
  myth that is performing some              historical       Why "specific"?
  service to intellectuals in               reality" has     For that matter,
  general.  Myth is not I think too         a ghost of       why "historical"?
  strong a word for the familiarity         Marxist          Why not just
  of the decline story.  It is a            rhetoric         "a matter of
  story of the Fall ..."                    about it,        reality"?
                                            I think...
                                                                Oh wait,
      Futher:             IN_SUM                                SocialText.
      Bobbins proposes listing
      independant intellecutals,
      whether or not they are        (This variation
      academic.                      seems to appeal
                                     to academics.)
        He lists:

          Barbara Ehrenreich     John Dewey
          Edward Said            John Kenneth Galbraith
          Angela Davis           Irving Howe
