February 08, 2008
The other day, I was looking at
some "erotic" photo series based FUND_OF_HEDGES
on a gothic/halloween theme.
(Yeah, yeah, don't tell me
They had different models you haven't done anything
working the same sets and just as silly. Welcome to
props: a blue lit "dungeon" the internet era.)
with medieval-style
edged-weapons (and if any
thing, it looked even dumber
than this sounds).
These pictures were all uniformly
terrible -- except for this one set,
with one model, who could actually I have a theory that there
pose with one of these dorky must be a school in Southern
medieval axes and look half-way California teaching classes
convincing with it... in "how to be an outrageous
slut". It's the only way to
So I went looking around for explain why there's so much
other work by this woman, whose weak pornography by women
working name is "Darenzia" -- a dutifully imitating whatever
well-chosen unique string that maneuvers they've been told
googles well. are the latest thing.
Wikipedia supplies some Los Angeles:
background information the descendants of
(however dubious): she was generations of people
originally known as a who weren't quite
blue-mohawked punk, but bright enough to do
has since turned to a detergent ads.
"more classic style".
Surveying the various works of
hers one can sample for free on
the net-- and there are a lot of
them-- shows a rapid decline from The one holdover: she has a
being a gothic/fetish model to a below-the-lip piercing, and
thoroughly mainstream approach: almost always sports a
the hair goes to a normal long trademark spike pointing
brown look, the outfits get down from her mouth.
toned down, the poses more
standardized... and her tits It's gets
inflate. shorter, but
does not
All and all, a rather disappear.
depressing curve.