October 12, 2018
ARISTOTLE_POETICS There was a somewhat
From Aristotle's pedestrian movie made
"The Poetics", from Fritz Leiber's
Section IX: excellent horror/fantasy
"Conjure Wife"--
"The tragic wonder will then be greater
than if they happened of themselves or Near the end of the movie,
by accident; for even coincidences are there's a long sequence
most striking when they have an air of where a gargoyle has been
design. We may instance the statue of brought to life by playing
Mitys at Argos, which fell upon his some mystically powerful
murderer while he was a spectator at a music over the PA system.
festival, and killed him. Such events After the gargoyle has been
seem not to be due to mere terrorizing the campus for
chance. Plots, therefore, constructed on a while, it returns to it's
these principles are necessarily the perch over the door as the
best." music ceases. Then in the
final scene, the bad guy is
ARISTOTLE_POETICS leaving the building with
the reel-to-reel tape of
I thought that was a particularly the music in hand, and as
interesting thing for Aristotle to he steps under the
say, because while I understand what gargoyle, it spontaneously
he's getting at things like this falls forward on top of him
always strike me as cheesy garbage. and crushes him. The
camera zooms in on the reel
But then, there's the word "even" of tape magnetic tape now
there-- "even coincidences". He's fallen from his lifeless
making the point that they work hand.
better when there's a sense of
divine law underlying them like How *ironic*, eh?
this... Hoist by his own gargoyle.
Though, isn't it strange that The Toadkeeper, who had
Aristotle is if anything best only been half-watching
known for his injunction *against* this, reacted: "but why
resolving a plot by divine would it fall on him?"
intervention? and I said "he had the
tape in his hand", and
he immediately responded
"Oh, that's okay then."
He had his Aristotle