August 13, 2010

                                                  Originally posted
                                                  to alt.gothic.
Some notes on

   Social Protocol Design (mark iii)

   Obviously, it's difficult to exercise good judgment when
   you're strongly emotionally involved.

   (And by the way, since we favor advances from people who
   can "play it cool", that implies we're looking for
   relationships with people who are not emotionally
   committed... so we can't complain about it's absence
   later, right?)

   In the older style of doing things -- back before
   romantic love was invented -- we would rely on
   responsible third parties to arrange marriages for us
   (and of course, there are cultures where arranged
   marriages are still in use).

   We're unlikely to want to roll back the clock to the
   days of such rigid rules for social engagement, but it
   might be possible to open up a new role for relatively
   uninvolved third parties to have some input into our
   decision making.

   This has a certain high school vibe about it (asking
   your friend to ask someone for you?), but once again,
   if we slather a generous layer of high-tech folderol
   on top, the unthinkable can become thinkable once

   Depending on the state of your local privacy
   protection laws it would be a simple matter to
   implement Cyrano de Bergerac scenarios with
   radio/cell phone technology.  (If I understand
   California's rules, the secret *recording* of a
   conversation is a felony, but secretly eavesdropping
   should skate by... but YMVIANALIFRCMXZYPTLK.)

   Each of us could go into action with a panel of
   advisors (ala "Train Man") to compensate for our own         Oct 27, 2016
   warped judgment.  Myself, I suspect a non-verbal signal
   like voting on a "red light/green light" would work          A joke used
   better than any kind of complicated real time advice,        in manga
   but we might want to hold the door open for things like      these days:
   a heads-up text display with hints about lines to use,       Otaku who've
   and so on.                                                   played so
                                                                many dating-
                                                                sim games
       (Oct 07, 2016)                                           they percieve
                                                                reality that
       I see I missed the obvious next                          way, a menu
       step here:                                               of possible
       What if *both* players are using teams                   superimposed
       of advisors, and the practice is so                      over reality.
       common that they *both* presume they're
       doing it: each regards themselves as a                   (e.g. in
       representative for a team...                             The Genshiken).

       A "date" then becomes a group event
       where each side evaluates the quality
       of the other's network of advisors.

                                 (May 16, 2023)
             And yet another step:
             The teams of advisors contact
             each other, and conduct
             negotiations directly.
