January 19, 2005

                                      From material originally written:

                                      January 31, 1992
                                      April   28, 1993   About time
                                      July     9, 1994   I put it all
      DELANY                          April    5, 1997   together, eh?
                                      June    19, 2003

With this book, Delany attacks
the genre conventions of the
field that he grew out of...
                                           Though it was published as
   Turning his back                        "science fiction", and is
   on Romanticism?                         by an author who had an
                                           established track record
As the Toadkeeper put it:                  of writing works that are
"Dhalgren is a device for                  (or at least can function
frustrating the expectations               as) science fiction
of a science fiction reader."              adventure stories,
                                           Dhalgren isn't really a
It's written really well,                  science fiction novel.
capturing the texture of
experience with amazing
fidelity, despite the fact                 It's in essence
that on any kind of macro                  meta-fiction about
level the existence                        science fiction, written
described makes little                     with the audience of
sense.                                     science fiction readers
                                           in mind.
In a conventional SF novel,
the mysterious events lead                      You might say it was
up to the revelation of a                       designed as a
conceptual framework that                       consciousness
"explains" them. In                             raising experience.
Dhalgren, there is no such
framework, there are only                             Or you might say
hints that such a framework                           it was designed
exists; faint promises that                           to piss 'em off.
it's all going to be
explained... promises which
are ultimately broken.

Thus, the basic structure of
the SF story is violated.             The fundamental premise
Similarly, the basic problem-         of the SF story is that
solving/conflict-resolution           the world can be
plot structure of the                 comprehended, that
conventional story is ignored.        uncertainties are
                                      bounded and minimal,
                                      that the universe is
                                      orderly and --

So, in essence this is a                  crystalline
work of meta-fiction, but
what's amazing is that
it's meta-fiction that
also works as fiction.
Most of the meta-fiction
I've seen just comes                 Italio Calvino,
across like clever-words-on-         Umberto Ecco...
                                     Caveat: I haven't
                                     read Nabokov

Dhalgren in contrast has
some really well-realized       Resorting to meta-fiction
characters moving through       often seems like a cheap,      STAGGERING
a brilliantly rendered          clever gimmick...
  Was Delany holding this
  realism up against the
  simplified, reassuring nature
  of the typical SF story?

                                Possibly he was presenting
                                a thesis about the nature of reality,
                                suggesting that it's naive to
                                think that the world is composed of
                                phenomena with neat "explanations".

                                   In the real world,
                                   you *don't* always
                                   get a solid
                                   explanation for
                                   every weird             Though there's
                                   phenomena you           usually no
                                   encounter.              shortage of
                                                           scenarios you
                   And Delany in particular has had        can believe
                   some problems with unreliability of     if you really
                   senses and memory (which you might      need one.
                   call "insanity"), though I gather
                   his difficulties weren't often as
                   bad as that of the amnesiac Kid.

                                               This is characteristic of
                                               Delany's later SF:
                                               Macro-scale ambiguity, up
                                               on the level of history,

                                                  "Stars in my Pocket"


  So I can easily go
  on about the Great      (A merger of
  Significance of         realism and      (An assault
  Dhalgren...             post-modern      on the tropes
                          metafiction!)    of genre
  But that                                 fiction!)
  would be

  The first time I read
  Dhalgren I was fifteen
  years old, and I
  certainly didn't
  follow it on that         An example I might
  level, I had to be        hold up as a
  handed some clues by      defense of the        Someone else's reading
  other people first.       value of literary     of a work can inform
                            criticism.            your own, without
  Still, for me,                                  denying the validity
  Dhalgren, was                                   of your own.
  accessible, if
  only on on the
  small scale, in
  the close-focus.      Though actually, the
                        first, short section is
It probably didn't      a bit of a pretentious,
hurt that it was        confusing slog.
about cool hipster
kids hanging around                        It could be that many
having sex with                            of Dhalgren's
each other.                                detractors never made
                                           it through the first
I think this accounts for a lot of         dozen pages.
it's strong sales figures. Carefully
written, stylish prose about aimless           But after that, I found it a
wandering and kinky sex, with hints            fast trip downhill, I was just
of some heavy philosophical ideas in           totally sucked in.  I resented
the background -- this is a killer             having to put it down to go off
formula with the teenage/college               to school.

   I think people             I was reading a
   whose backgrounds          lot of Kerouac       (So, I was schooled in
   lie primarily              around then, too.    the SF tradition, but
   outside the SF                                  not limited to it?)
   field perceive
   this book
   completely                      Strong sales figures:
   differently from                750,000 after 18 months
   the SF audience.                875,000 after 10 years

   For them -- as with my            Over 3 times "The
   teenage self -- the low           Mote in God's Eye"       More
   level coherence of the            or "The Dispossessed".   recently,
   writing dominates, and                                     I've heard
   the intentional,                    Dhalgren-haters        sales of
   teasing, imprecision and            continually need       "over a
   ambiguities in the                  to be reminded         million"
   higher level conceptual             that this book         cited.
   structures (history,                was commercially
   technology) are much                successful.
   less disturbing, perhaps
   not even noticed.                         Verily, this point is
                                             harder for them to
                                             grasp than the absence
   The trouble with Dhalgren                 of an Iraq-Al Qaida
   is not that it can only be                connection for
   appreciated by an elite                   Bush Jr. supporters.
   that it was written for.

      The trouble is that it was specifically
      targeted at the SF readership, but not
      in the usual way.
