March 31, 2005
November 6, 2009
Around the time of the 2004 presidential
election, PIPA did a study looking at the
different world view of Kerry and Bush
The results of the poll
became a core part of my Just from this one source?
picture of the political Largely... though I do see
scene... things that confirm this
from other sources every now
"The Separate Realities of and then.
Bush and Kerry Supporters"
October 21, 2004
You sometimes hear it stated that the
United States is an inherently conservative
country, that US public opinion has taken
a turn toward the right, and so on.
The turth is a little stranger than that:
many people are voting conservative without
being particularly conservative themselves.
They literally don't understand
what the people they're voting My favorite example is that
for stand for. Bush supporters believed he
was in favor of the Kyoto
You might argue that this accord on global warming.
in itself is a terrible
problem. What is going on I gather that the reasoning
with the news media in is something like "this
this country? Does this global warming issue is
show a severe problem with important, and Bush is a
the educational system? good guy, so he must want to
Why would someone bother do something about it."
to vote if they won't even
read a newspaper?
Myself I take this as a very hopeful
sign: yes, the country is in a hell
of state, but it doesn't require any
great ideological transformation to
change things.
We don't need any radical conversions
in the way people think about things,
and that's good, because those don't
come easy.