July 9, 2014
Why the web as we know it is doomed.
It's not unusual for me to be working at a
company where I'm glad I'm buried deep in the You clearly don't want
back-end, because I don't quite understand me doing marketing,
why the customers are giving us money. let alone web design.
The pulse of
But it occurs to me that I humanity I have not
would feel the same way if my finger upon.
I were working at google.
Asking for a show of hands on who pays
attention to web ads, I get very few takers--
either few is willing to admit it, or, as I
think is likely, few in my circle pays much
attention to them: we all know they're for
suckers, our time is limited and we're going to
spend it on the things we care about, not the
things some advertiser wants us to spend it on.
I submit that this means that the only reason
there's a google there for people like me to
play with is that there's some other group of
people out there who are different, who
are making google such a valuable advertising
platform. I will tentatively label these "the
class of stupid people", though I have no
demographics on this group (someone must
The next question is, how long can this state
of affairs last? For the web to stay as it is,
the stupid people have to stay stupid.
That may seem like a reasonable bet-- but
it hardly seems like a desirable state of
If the web were really doing it's
job, the stupid people would get