February 14, 2012
An old idea with me:
Is it possible to conduct
double-blind experiments
with yourself as a subject?
I started working on the design of an
experiment to look for evidence of
the effects of taking a "smart drug"
like lecithin supplements. If you
could find another "neutral" capsule
that looked much like lecithin, then
you could package up doses of them in
identical containers, labeled on the
Take your daily dose, and slip the
container in a dated envelope without
looking at the code on the bottom.
Do memory tests daily and
record the results. I bought a deck of
flashcards for learning
Later, break open the sealed chinese ideograms to
envelopes and see if there's any use in the memory tests.
significant relationship between what
was taken and the test results. It's a subject I know
next to nothing
Where this clever design about, and yet it has
fell to the ground: I enough intrinsic
had the impression that interest I wouldn't
lecithin caps and mind studying it.
vitamin E caps were
identical, and I could Memory tests using
use the E as a placebo randomly generated
of a sort. strings aren't a test
of memory but of
Really, on closer inspection, determination, or
it was easy to distinguish perhaps stupidity.
between them, and I believe I What's your level of
could tell them apart by boredom tolerance?
taste as well (so popping
them from container to mouth
without looking wouldn't work
There are probably ways to
rescue this idea, though,
working with things in
powdered form, filling
identical capsules with
the powder -- I've heard
you can buy capsules like
this, so emptying ones for
over-the-counter medicines
shouldn't be necessary.
This idea has two things that are
appealing about it:
You immediately get some data about
the subject that you probably
care the most about: no worries about
whether your individual constitution
is similar to the average, etc.
You can publish your results on the
net, and invite others to repeat
your work and gradually pool data,
to obtain a more generally useful