February 19, 1992
Shedevil was asking about dreams...
Dreams seem to me to be
improvised as they go
Things shift from one thing to another
to satisfy the needs of the current
scene without regard to the history of
what's gone before.
I find that the character's
in my dreams shuffle
around... my late father
will turn into John
McCarthy, or a sister may I remember one dream in
turn into a girl friend, and particular where I was
so on having an incestuous affair
with one of my "sisters"
except that she looked like
someone else, a girl I'd
been chasing after...
This was someone who had
just been telling me
something about how she was
in love with her brothers
and her problem was she
couldn't find men like them.
The setting in my dreams
also shuffle around in the
same way.
In a recent dream, I was
climbing across the high
facades of a "religious mall" (I think this "religious mall" idea
a place like a shopping mall is just beautiful: a great piece of
composed of churches and satiric commentary... no one I've
temples of various described it to seems to get the
religions... joke though.)
But I'm pretty sure the
scene started out as a dance
club, and the nature of the
mall changed as this
"religious mall" concept
Dreams are the first drafts of a hack
writer that can't be bothered to worry
about consistency.