September 06, 2012
Or rather, the dream of
reclaiming lost youth. I wonder if this fantasy is more
popular with the young, than old.
As the story opens, the The young have some need of
main character is flattery to help get through their
feeling old and benighted condition.
disatisfied with his
life. A variant of Peter Pan?
A strange unlikely But then, the "old guys
event occurs-- so we getting it on with young
*have* to be at the CHANCES_ARE babes" fantasy is common
narrative's start-- enough, e.g. in every
perhaps a magical, Audrey Hepburn movie.
miraculous event: it
breaks him out of his
rut, takes him away
from his mundane
It becomes clear that
that mundane existence
was poisonous to him Escaping the suburbs
(to everyone?), and and returning to the That would be
once free of it, he city, to civilization? "Desperately
becomes young and strong Seeking Susan",
and fit for adventure The 50s/60s a (rare?) case
rather than routine. version was more that contradicts
like escaping my use of a
civilzation and male pronoun.
getting back to
nature, man. SEEKING
Phil Jose Farmer's
"Maker of Universes"
Thorne Smith's
Alan Moore's
"A Dream of Flying",
the opening of
Miracle Man (1988).