December 5, 2004
In effect, I'm a
mainstream culture
I know very little
about the latest hit Missing out on the latest
movies, and rarely hit acts is not something
hear whatever's in I worry about any more.
the top 40.
I used to try to
Any commercial be "open minded"
radio format might about these things... You know the logic
sound okay for a right? It goes like:
day or so... but But I've pretty
how can you stand much given up. "Sure, this is
to listen to it Burned too many probably just more
continually? times. Even the manufactured
pretty-girl bands commercial crap,
Doesn't it don't seem pretty but it's not
get boring? to me... *impossible* for
plastic junk to be
The same thing CREEPING_SPEARS
day after day. good in some way.
What about the
No wonder the Monkees?"
kids would rather
shuffle MP3s.
Dangerbaby is even
worse that I:
She made it through the
Macarena craze without
hearing it once.
I certainly don't
know anything about
the latest TV shows. (Not quite true, I guess.
Sometimes I read about
I haven't watched them.)
television of my
own free will in
(Well, maybe once or twice
when I'm visiting someone.
Just to be polite. If they've
got the Classics channel.)
I don't know why
everyone doesn't
do this. I mean, yeah
okay, I haven't
How can you seen the
spend hours a Sopranos, yet.
night *watching
television*? Maybe I'll
rent them
Where would you sometime.
find the time?
I actually have trouble understanding
the mind-set of people who say things
like "Oh, I'm too tired after work to
*read*. I need something more I can understand
mindless like television to relax with." feeling at too
low an ebb for
serious reading,
Television, to me, seems but in that case
really enervating, and I tend resort to
the idea of trying to something like
watch television when mystery novels.
you're tired already is
really frightening -- Sometimes I go as
that would turn me into a far as to re-read
total zombie. ones I'm familiar
E.g. Rex Stout.