January 9, 2007
September 2, 2013
Originally part of
Noam Chomsky,
"Problems of Knowledge and Freedom" (1971) NAUGHT_SEVEN
A book based on a pair of lectures,
loosely organized as tributes to
Bertrand Russell, who I belatedly
realize is one of Chomsky's heroes.
The first half of the book
focuses on Chomsky's speculations When I started reading
about the biological roots of the book, I didn't quite
human language abilities. grasp that the material
dates back to 1971.
The second half is Chomsky
discussing the way the American I kept thinking
view of the world is warped by "don't we have
US propaganda, with emphasis on better data on
the Vietnam war period. this issue by
I've been assuming that the
present horrible state of the Essentially,
news media is a relatively Chomsky points out
recent phenomena, post-1996 that human language
telecom act, perhaps post-9/11... follows some oddly
involved rules,
But Chomsky has been patiently where simpler ones
tracking problems like this for can be easily
much longer. imagined.
He suggests there
are hints here of
"language universals"
and "a priori"
"Since the ideology of anti-communism human capabilities.
no longer serves to mobilize the
population, there will be, it is safe I.e. children
to predict, a search for some new master language
technique of social control, perhaps a at an early
continuing effort to replace the no age, but physics
longer credible communist threat by only with much
some terrifying image of left-wing difficulty.
students allied with ethnic minorities
and Third World revolutionaries, Can we then
threatening to tear down the pillars say that humans
of civilized society. It is hardly are inherently
surprising that some of the people who linguistic,
helped convert a justified opposition but not
to 'communist' totalitarianism into a inherently
paranoid anti-communist crusade are mathematical?
now attacking the student movement
with the techniques of distortion,
innuendo, and exaggeration, and with
some success."
Noam Chomsky
"Problems of Knowledge
and Freedom" (1971)
p. 84