December 30, 2009
                                             March    14, 2014
               My usual assumption:                   
               We need to improve our collective      
               intelligence, the ability for          
               society as a whole to converge on an   
               understanding of difficult issues      
               and to solve difficult problems.       
                                             Though understanding isn't
                                             always a prerequisite for
  If you don't *have* brains, then                    
  you need to get by without them.          ("If you can't think once")
  How do you do that?                                 
     (Emergent, evolutionary order.                   
      Markets.  Delegate to experts. Etc.)            
                                               March 14, 2014
Work with that idea:                                  
seeking solution without understanding.               
One approach is the elitest ruler scenario:           
if the people are really that stupid, we'll           
tell them something they want to hear,                
while we go about behind the scenes actually          
working on the problems.                              
   This is an unstable, unworkable set-up             
   for multiple reasons, by various different         
   standards.  The reasons are pretty familiar        
   and yet the idea keeps coming back, so I'll        
   list a few:                                        
   The elites may begin working in their own          
   interests rather than the general interest.        
   The people are likely to suspect the elites        
   are doing so, and refuse to cooperate for long.    
   A more subtle one: the idea that the elites        
   can keep two stories straight in their heads       
   overestimates them: "believing your own lies"      
   is a common syndrome.                              
   Other difficulties involve:                        
      o  In-fighting between factions of the elites.  
      o  The competence of the elites:                
           o  evaluation and selection mechanisms     
Another approach: seek a common belief system         
that satisifies mass psychological needs without      
interfering with necessary operations-- e.g           
   For example, many have definite problems with      
   living with uncertainty-- a belief in              
   "providence" might work to calm fears and          
   allow you to continue operating without            
   perfect knowledge.                                 
               And the general method I'm using here  
               is to catalog and summarize the known       
               approaches before working on new.           
               Is it really all that likely to be          
               It's perhaps more likely to promote the     
               feeling that this is all old ground, and    
               why bother looking here again.              
               An actual new idea may very well be        
               just a slight variation of the old,             
               But is focusing on the old at all likely          
               to inspire you to try variations of it?

                   Okay you're tried this before, but   
                   have you tried *every* form of it?   
                   You know there are problems there,  
                   do you know there's no fix for them?
