November 13, 2013
When the old non-profit called it quits,
the return of the collective had many
different problems, not the least of
which was a huge, unpaid garbage bill.
There was no money available to pay CELLSPACE
this bill-- we were struggling just
to meet rent, plus pay down some other
debt that couldn't be ignored--
Various schemes were kicked around to
try to get garbage service restarted--
might it be possible to use a
different address, such as the upstairs
apartment (two digits off from the
downstairs area)?
For some reason those ideas came to
naught-- I suspect because we would
have trouble paying the new bill,
even without the past due-- so the
solution, for many years, was to
sneak the garbage down the street
in the dead of night, into the dumpster
of another organization next door...
It was a Thursday night ritual for a
number of years to do these clandestine
midnight garbage runs, loading up large,
flat-bed dollies with garbage bags full A common sight was to see
of the refuse from the various weekend the head of the events
events. And squeeze as many of them as group climbing up on top of
possible into whatever empty space was the overflowing dumpster,
left in the dumpster. doing a trash compaction
At one point, one of the gang went next
door and got permission to do this-- the
original goal, actually, was to see if
they'd be willing to order a larger
dumpster if we kicked in the money-- it
was not clear that this made stealth any I should say that the
less necessary, because I had no idea bottles and cans
*who* was asked about this. If there was tended to be taken
any sign of someone hanging around back care of by crack
there, it was a good idea to wait for the teams of homeless
coast to clear, to discretely avoid the people, who were
need to make any explanations. willing to cart them
away for the sake of
the 5 cent bounty
imposed on them by CA
state law.
And what we couldn't
squeeze into these
midnight dumpster
attacks, we would find
volunteers with pickups
willing do runs directly
to the garbage dump.