January 22, 2011
September 19, 2013
All quotes below are from:
"Palimpset" (1995) by Gore Vidal
hardcover, ISBN 0-679-44058-0 KEROUAC_GORED
"... I did say [to Allen Ginsberg] that I had been
alarmed at the sudden appearance of the Beats in
the fifties. 'Just as I was beginning to get a
grip on what writing could be and how best to
examine one's life, you come along, preaching a
fuzzy sort of Star-of-the-East mysticism.
I wanted people to think. You wanted them to _be_.
Well, they _are_, anyway. But to encourage the
worst educated and the most resolutely
propagandized public in the first world _not_ to
think about why things are as they are is cruel.'
My _On the Road_ was _The Judgement of Paris_, the
first of the books I wrote when I moved to the
Hudson Valley. I tried to touch many bases in
that book. Our differences were polar."
Gore Vidal, "Palimpset" (1995), p. 225
"I confessed that I had read none of his
'Eastern' books but that, long before Jack,
Hinduism crops up not only in Emerson but The British imperial
in the author of _The Wizard of Oz_." connection, yes.
The Beats were more
Gore Vidal, "Palimpset" (1995), p.225 interested in Buddhism,
and Kerouac was one
of the biggest popularizers.
"As I read my way through the various biographies
of the Beats, I realize how much in the true
American grain they had been. Restless, gabby,
artless, on the road-- the *yellow brick* road--
to something transcendental, which turned out to
be drugs for a time and then, for the survivors,
there were transcendental fixes like California "California
Buddhism, Scientology (briefly, in the case of Buddhism" is
Burroughs), higher meditation, anything to an oddly
transcend the everyday. As I write this, I can't dismissive take,
help noting that they were, perhaps without in a set that
knowing it, heirs to the likes of Henry Miller and included Gary
Anai:s and all the other naturals-- I don't think Snyder.
primitives is quite the word-- that go back, in
the United States at least, to Whitman."
Gore Vidal, "Palimpset" (1995), p. 214
Here the wisdom of the East Coast,
dismisses the wisdom of the East.