August 09, 2006
On playing an empty hand.
We all know the right way to do it:
o Study the subject throughly.
o Memorize your references.
o Anticipate your opponents arguments,
and have counter arguments ready.
Often you just can't do that:
time may not allow.
And then you're stuck
playing an empty hand. I much prefer to tell
people I'm doing it,
if that's what I'm doing.
It's not that hard to
do in an informal debate: That doesn't make it
any harder, really.
Put the other guy on the defensive.
Challenge sources.
Try to get the other guy to do the research.
Invent hypothetical scenarios:
o that might explain away evidence
o that illustrate why the position
could be wrong, even if the facts
are right.
Shift the grounds of the debate
from facts to values.
Make a guess that the
other side also has an Assuming that
empty hand: the other guy must
have something
Note that most people "because he seems
know, deep down, that so sure" is a
there are problems classic mistake.
with what they're
saying... try to get Empty bluster
them to tell you what and deluded
they are. ideologies abound.
One variation: use An aura of certainty
silence to your is almost a guarantee
advantage. of hidden problems.
If you say too much,
you risk giving your
opponent something they And grounds for dismissal
can use to dismiss you. can be completely irrelevant
to the real argument: e.g.
And since most people you can't lose an argument
really know, deep down, to someone who spells it
where the flaws in their "loose".
own argument is, it may
be more cost effective
to encourage them to
come up with them
Silence -- or near silence --
can be used to play on their
insecurities, even when you
don't know what they are. Put them in
Room 101.