December 23, 2014
                                                             February 19, 2015
                                                             February 23, 2019


Back on September 8, 2011,
Toby Fife also took issue with the
case of Courtney Stoker vs Leia.

Courtney Stoker:

    "I’ve been researching and thinking about cosplay for a while
    now, and one of the most distressing trends I’ve been
    grappling with is how women will choose characters, costumes,
    or costume constructions based on how 'sexy' the costume will
    appear on them. This is not just a cosplay problem, but a
    geek problem. And until we start having an intelligent
    conversation about it (preferably a conversation that starts
    with the assumption that it is a problem), it’s not one that
    geek communities will ever be rid of."

Toby Fife:

    "So why is it a problem? Because it's 'sexy?' And again, why the
    quotation marks? Oh that's right, because in order to be good
    feminists we can't ever think anything is sexy, especially if a
    man also thinks it's sexy! It is far more distressing to me as a
    feminist geek to have the motivations of other women
    questioned. How does Ms. Stoker know that these women chose these
    costumes just to be sexy? And if they did, who the hell cares?
    Maybe some of them are rape and abuse survivors who are trying to
    reclaim their bodies. Maybe some of them have overcome an eating
    disorder and feel comfortable in their own skin for the first
    time in ages. Or maybe they want to dress as their favorite
    characters and feel they can pull it off. Point is, making the
    assumption that women can't make decisions on our own because
    we're so crippled by the patriarchy that it's a wonder we can
    even breathe let alone think is simply ridiculous. Yes, sexism
    exists. Yes, it is a problem. You know what isn't the problem?
    Sex and women who like sex and feeling sexy."


    "These antiquated notions of trading the patriarchy for the
    matriarchy of a few feminists who think they know better than
    you what is degrading to you need to go."
