June 7-26, 2013
In KSR's 40/50/60 series...
I like the way Robinson came up with
an excuse for our hero, an ace
technical climber of days gone by, to
do an elaborate climbing break-in of
an office at the NSF: he was trying to
retrieve an angry resignation letter
he now regrets.
As another climber, I can
attest that I constantly CLIMBING
have daydreams like this,
I can't look at a large
structure without
thinking about how to
climb it-- and once in a TRAIN_CLIMBING
very great while an excuse
comes up to actually do it.
It's not by itself a terrible
flaw that in Robinson's story
the break-in turns out to be
without purpose (the letter Actually: through out the
was picked up already)... entire story nearly every
however to my eye KSR did not time the main character
handle this failure well. tries to take positive
action, it fails.
There are many alternate
possibilities... While looking I can only speculate on
for the letter, our climber what was going on with
might discover something else this--
of signifcance, either in that
office, or somewhere else It's possible that the
along his route. passive, ineffectual
nature of his main
Or though this expedition character got wedged in
was a failure, his familiarity KSR's brain somehow, and
with this route might turn out he could think of few
to be useful later, e.g. while actions for his main
running from some bad guys. character that would
seem real.
Or this crazy break-in might be
played up more as a personal break Mainly though, I would
through: standing on the roof of guess that KSR was
the NSF building, looking over the determined not to do a
DC area, he has an epiphany: he's conventional adventure
been living a straight and narrow thriller: the hero must
life for too long, and suddenly not save the day with
he feels more like himself again. some daring physical