November 14, 2006
For a long time I had a positive
feel about Israel -- though I've BELOW_THE_FOLD
always understood that this could
just have been a result US media
Their most recent attack on
Lebanon (with the full I get the feeling
public support of the bulk that I'm not alone
of Congress) has finally on this.
turned me against.
Israel finally pulled one
These people are committing when Americans were paying
atrocities, and doing it with our attention to the Midddle East,
support... These are not entirely when a lot of us were getting
unprovoked atrocities but still, disgusted with the the hawks...
that's what they are: if some
thugs kill a handful of Israelis, TIPPING_THE_BANDWAGON
the Israeli government will
slaughter a thousand civilians.
And all of this only serves
to make the thugs look good I didn't particularly
in the eyes of the locals; want to have a side
the Israeli actions are not in this, I feel like
only evil, they're stupid. a side has been forced
on me, because Israel
A grand does these things,
combination on our dime, with our
we're seeing backing.
all too much
of, of late. United States funds
around 20% of their
military budget,
and also supplies
some moral sanction --
(What little
of it we
have left.)
I'm left feeling If Israel wants
embarrassed and our continued
outraged at how support, we should
long I sat on that tell them to knock
fence... it off.
SLOW_ARC (And if we want
our own support,
we should knock
it off, too.)