August 2, 2007
A popular game among college
radio music snobs is "So what
was *your* First Concert?"
My traditional answer
is "Hot Tuna", General HOT_SUFFOLK_FORUM
Admission at the
Suffolk Forum. That covers the
bases well: slightly
But really, that's my embarrassing, a
first arena rock nostalgic hint of
concert. Back in those another time and place.
days we all regarded
those as the Real Thing,
but since then most of
us (now using a different
definition of "we") For example, around that
have decided that was time I saw Harry Chapin
exactly backwards. perform live in my high
school auditorium, but
that didn't count,
Thinking it over, I because it was in my
believe my real high school auditorium.
"first concert" was
going to see "The Looking back at it, it
Cartoon Opera" on was astoundingly
multiple occasions, cool that Chapin was
performing in willing to do this --
Huntington's small
outdoor ampitheater Sneer at this as the
in Hecksher park. necessity forced on
him by a declining
The Cartoon Opera career if you like...
was the performing
duo of Heather The resourcefulness
Forest and Patrick of finding and
McDermott, dancing performing at
and singing to the these kind of
music performed on small venues is
keyboards off-stage really remarkable. (larger than
by Billy Batson. a bar, and
The mark of a accessible to
(If I remember the Real Musician, the underage).
name right... I as Eugene
know that sounds a Chadbourne
lot like Captain might say. HATE_THE_MAN
Marvel's alter-ego,
but could be that No one else was
was the joke, you doing this, declining
know?). career or not.
This was ostensibly
music for children -- The big moment of this
hence the settings performance: he got
they got to play -- the girls in the audience
but they had the to sing the chorus on
knack of doing "Cat's in the Cradle",
work that appealed an ethereal sound that
on different levels. haunts me to this day.
My favorite piece (The boys refused,
alternated readings by and shyly sat it out,
Patrick from an essay despite much effort
by the astronaut Rusty on Chapin's part to
Schweikart with lines shame us into it,
sung by Heather about e.g. by referring
the tale of King to "a quality called
Arthur's Flight. 'balls' that has nothing
to do with anatomy").
The theme: political
borders are invisible in And I went home with
the grand perspective. the memory of the
girls ethereal voices
Really brilliant work, with a drifting through my
touch of magic to it... head... and impressed
with Chapin's simple
Under what deranged stories set to song.
system of values
would this not count (But I regret to say I don't
as a "real concert"? think I ever bought one of his
records... they're not the
kind of songs you need to hear
more than once, however good
they are the first time.)