October 22, 2018
Whenever anyone discusses "motivated
reasoning" i.e. our recalcitrance to
change opinion in the face of contrary
evidence, there's this parlor game that Because what the world
gets trotted out, "have you ever changed needs now is for
your mind about anything?" intelligent, well-
intentioned people to be
I'm coming to hate this game... more wishy-washy.
One problem is that if I play it I don't think our
*seriously* (rather than reaching for conservative friends
something convenient to say) I can get have contests like this.
incredibly bogged down in what would be
trivia to anyone else-- how exactly did
I feel about that issue way back when?
Was I really all that committed, or just
somewhat interested? Was my shift big ("I once thought those guys
enough to really regard as a change? were kinda dorky but they
And *why* did I change? Was it really had some good points, but now
in the light of new evidence, or was it I think they're total goof
some sort of change in social balls and nobody cool
allegiances? expects them to come up with
anything neato.")
And what if you're
someone who has
managed to get most
things right all But I *can* think of one clear and
along? Are you unambiguous change in my opinions
supposed to be about what was and still is an issue
apologetic that you of the day:
can't thing of
something to recant? SOCIALIZED_MEDICNE
Consider something So, the fact that I've
like the nuclear establish a case where
power debate: is it I've completely flipped
the pro or the anti demonstrates that I'm a
side that's most thoroughly reasonable
recalcitrant, and why fellow who never
would you care? The engages in pig-headed
goal isn't to stubborness, right?
identify which side
has ever changed, (You should listen
it's to identify to me, *because I've
which side *should* been wrong before!*)