May 26, 2007
Had a dream last night;
Once, I had been in a
relationship with a woman This is my history
where we were exchanging in the context of
messages doing cute the dream, you
things with playing cards understand, I'm not
(e.g. writing notes on talking about an
them). actual relationship.
I'd made a promise to do something with
the Four of Hearts, which was abandoned
as the relationship faded...
The scene in the dream: one night
(presumably in response to some
invitation), I walked up to an old
building that had been decorated by
this woman, transformed into some kind
of tribute to this exchange of playing
cards: the central motif was oversized
cards fluorescing in the darkness,
under ultraviolet light -- like a
halloween haunted house display.
A pair of cards hung in the doorway,
like western saloon half-doors, there
were cards on all sides of the room, and The site was like an old
in the center of the floor -- a trap auto repair garage,
door over a pit? -- the four of hearts. complete with grease pit
in the center.
The question then, is "now what?"
What would you do after walking up
to this scene? Do you enter? Do
you turn and leave immediately?
One option: pull my (now
constant companion) digital
A complex of problems: the camera, and take flash
elaborateness of this display photos of the scene before
is a sign of total madness -- approaching, to try to
a woman capable of this is illuminate any booby-traps.
capable of anything, including
lying in wait with a gun...
And yet, this is a style of madness
that in principle I approve of -- I suspect the influence
an acting out of obession in art. of an Avengers episode:
Can I turn my back on it and just "The Joker" (1967)
walk away? Is that any way to go
through life, cringing in fear,
imagining the worst? Won't I always
wonder what suprises lurked inside
this installation, won't I feel
regret at not examining the art?
But then: I no longer have any
interest in this woman, and so four hearts
playing along with this game sends for eyes
the wrong message, encourages hopes heart of the problem
that should be abandoned.
suits of cards:
a good deck:
what color,
the fifth suit?