September 2, 2009
                                             November  5, 2009

"Helping me Help Myself"
Beth Lisick

An overview of self-help movements of various sorts,
discussing a year that she spent investigating them.

   Interesting, funny,
   possibly even useful
   (my ambition is to be a        From my point of view it suffers a
   cult-leader some day).         little from too broad a focus.
                                  The Richard Simmons stuff is
                                  amusing, but not the kind of cult
                                  I'm interested in designing.

                                     On the other hand, the recurring
                                     motifs in all of them are
                                     good to know about:

                                     The cult leader invariably
                                     proclaims "I was a failure
                                     before I discovered -- " that
                                     doctrine they are about to share
                                     with their good friends who
                                     ponied up the speakers fee.

                                         (I wonder if you push it further:
                                         you should help make me a success,
                                         because that will validate the
                                         work you've put into my cult.)

     A touch of sadness here and there:
     Beth Lisick's humor runs along the
     lines of trying to get you to            Lisick is not alone here:
     laugh at her tales of humilating         this may be the central
     experiences.   Sometimes this comes      motif of post-90s hipster
     of as less funny than pathetic...        writing...

                                                Under no circumstances are you
                                                to come off as pretentious, but
                                                "look at how lame I am!" is
                                                always allowed.


                       There's something a little
                       disconcerting to me in her
                       intellectual adventures,
                       and I think it's that we
                       are both like and unlike.

    There's a tribe we might call
    "hipster", and Beth Lisick
    and I are both members of it:
    She's compulsively skeptical,        But there are a number of
    cynical, and yet she's willing       tribes I have a foot in
    to admit that these different        that Lisick knows not of:
    self-help movements may have         programmers/scientists/
    something going for them.            science fiction fans...

    The reasoning is the same                  Freaks vs. Geeks?
    for both of us:
                                             I think that there's some
        Showing that something               philosophical hollowness that
        is dorky and uncool is               she's trying to fill with
        not the same thing as                this quest, but for me much
        disproving it.                       of it is filled with other
                                             things, which I will flatter
        At some point, just                  myself by calling a deeper
        dismissing things with               understanding of the world.
        an eyeroll begins to
        seem like just a teenage             Beth Lisick is by no means a fool,
        defense mechanism.                   but she often seems insufficently
                                             skeptical of some of the worlds
        The truth, or a hint of              she cruises through...
        something like the
        truth, may be found in                   At a psychic's demo, she
        many quarters...                         insists that if the guy
                                                 was using a shill, she
   A technique of reverse-snobbery;              would've spotted it.
   look to the uncool as well as the
   cool; overcome your revulsion of          That's a really dangerous attitude
   the positive thinkers and see if          to take: you're up against people
   there's something there you can           who are pros at a certain kind of
   salvage, and thereby demonstrate          deception.  If you're an untrained
   how radically open-minded you can         amateur, it's grossly naive to
   be for condescending to grant             think you can see through every
   some small degree of acceptance           veil.
   to members of other tribes.
                                                 There are some classic
                                                 examples of smart people
                                                 taken in by charlatans,
               SUPERIOR_MAN                      like the scientists who
                                                 were fooled by Uri
                                                 Geller, until James
                                                 Randi showed them how
                                                 it's done.

                                                        But then, my own
      "Even though my biggest fear is being             conviction that I
      one of those newfangled parents who               possess a "deeper
      overthink everything, I also                      understanding" can
      understand that it is ridiculous to               itself be dangerous.
      concern myself with becoming 'one of              I know the answers--
      those people.'  It reminds me of some             or rather I know
      of my alcoholic friends who couldn't              more of them
      face AA, even after years of unsavory             than you do--
      blackout drinking, for fear of being              so why should I listen
      'one of those recovery people.'  At               to your advice?
      some point, you need to get over it
      and get some freaking help."

                --Beth Lisick,
                  "Helping Me Help Myself" (2009)
                  p 162
