June 17, 2008
Some are inclined to argue:
Abandoning the traditional
faith is dangerous, it This has to be
leaves your mind open to one of the least
superstitions and mysticism. emotionally
satisfying But I have some
The faithless are justifications sympathy for it.
the natural prey for religion...
for new cults, It's exceedingly
whether sacred or difficult to predict
nominally secular. Actually: the social effect
"new cult" is of a new philosophy.
redundant. "Everything done
I would take for the first time,
it as the unleases a demon"
definition of
"People readily swallow the untested claims
of this, that, or the other. It's drowning
all your old rationalism and scepticism,
it's coming in like the sea; and the name
of it is superstition. ...
"It's the first effect of not believing in
God that you lose your common sense ..."
The "Father Brown" character,
in "The Oracle of the Dog",
by G.K. Chesterton.
Nash's Magazine December 1923
A trouble with this
line of argument: Can
you presume that the
traditional faith is
entirely without it's
own traps?
Examples of new ideologies
gone astray are not
difficult to find, but
then it's also not hard to DANGEROUS_IDEAS
find examples of evil
justified in terms of
older faiths.
There's the phenomena of
"fundamentalist revivals":
challenges to established
faiths sold to their
adherents with claims that
that they're a return to
the roots-- if that old
time relgion is good, then
isn't an even older one